Monday, February 16, 2015

How to verify mobile number at In Nepal India

I got this message from

Microworkers is using as the SMS provider to send out all SMS PINs. If you have difficulty receiving SMS PIN, please check to make sure your SMS carrier is on Twilio provider list here:
You can input your country and Twilio will list all the SMS carriers that it support currently. If you don't see your SMS carrier on Twilio list, you can suggest Twilio to add your carrier to the list so that you can receive SMS PIN from Microworkers. Please do not request SMS PIN from Microworkers if your SMS carrier is not on Twilio provider list.
Thank you for your patience,
Twilio SMS offers pay-as-you-go pricing for SMS and text messaging, scaling with your business needs. International SMS and volume pricing also available.
TWILIO.COM has introduced the addition of mobile number into account. All you have to do is add you mobile number and verify it by entering the verification PIN received on your mobile. For more details about adding mobile number to Microworker account, please refer to my old post about this.
In this post, I want to help those peoples, who are facing problem in verifying there mobile number. Actually, after adding mobile number to our account, Microworkers send a verification PIN on our mobile, which we have to enter there in order to verify our mobile number. This PIN is almost same like the PIN number we receive through post when we withdraw money from microworkers for first time.
The problem here is that, after adding mobile number, people are not getting the PIN numberon there mobile. They send the PIN free fro first 3 times. After that, they charge $0.05 for every PIN number sent. One of my friend tried around 15 times, but he yet not got the PIN. So I started finding the solution and got it.
If your mobile is registered in DND, you will not receive the PIN number anymore. All you have to do is, check whether your mobile number is registered in DND or not. If it is, you have to STOP DND by sending an SMS like below:
STOP DND to 1909 or call 1909 and manually remove your number from DND registry.
The above procedure is for India users only.
Note: After verifying your mobile number, you can again start DND. 
Further, if your number is registered to DND, for no more than 90 days, you have to either wait for 90 days to complete, or modify your mobile number (Add other mobile number). If you have another working mobile connection, then first please verify that your mobile number is not registered in DND registery.
In conclusion to my post, I can say that if your mobile number is registered in DND, you will not get the PIN. So either you have to Opt Out from the NDNC registry or modify the number with a new number which is not registered in DND. I have tried this solution with more than 3 accounts of my friends and cousins, and all were successfully verified. You can check the DND registeration status of your mobile number on various websites, one of a good one is following
If any of you still facing any problem regarding the mobile number verification, please push a comment.(Don’t forget to mention your email ID in comment). I will try to help you out, as soon as possible.
Please share this post, if you find this helpful.
Focus Keywords
  • mobile number verification.
  • How to verify mobile number at
  • Problem verifying mobile number at
  • PIN number not receiving on mobile for microworkers.


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